

5 Questions to… Hansjörg Kutterer, DVW

基于量子物理w的创新发展ill lead to further disruption of our professional field over the coming decade, predicts Hansjörg Kutterer who, besides being president of DVW, is also a professor of geodetic Earth system science. '188金宝搏特邀Gim International.'asked him five questions relating to the challenges and opportunities in the geospatial industry, now and in the future.




This is going to be the decade of continuous Earth observation based on a sustainably maintained infrastructure and a comprehensive open-data policy. The European Copernicus system may serve as an example. Rapidly increasing amounts of heterogeneous geospatial data are obtained within very short time spans. These new opportunities are accompanied by the strong need for effective data management using integrated research data infrastructures, for example. Moreover, advanced data processing is required which comprises things like deep learning techniques. I also expect that innovative developments based on quantum physics will lead to further disruption of our professional field over the coming decade. Quantum sensors such as optical clocks will provide accurate height differences over large distances, and quantum computers will further speed up time-consuming computations.


合格人员人数越来越重要,对调查专业的进一步发展越来越重要。尽管我们专业领域的广泛吸引力和较多的空缺,但仍然缺乏公众可见性,因此潜在候选人的意识有限。出于这个原因,多年来德国有各种活动,旨在达到和吸引更多年轻人到行业。例如,Instagram Campaign #Weltvermesserer于2021年由所有国家利益攸关方组成的联盟于2021年推出,包括私营部门,行政,科学和所有相关专业组织。这项运动的预期影响以及我们的专业社区的增加的跨学科性质将为成功解决这一大量挑战提供良好的基础。

What is your policy on crowdsourcing and open data?

Due to my academic role and my volunteer position withinDVW,我的答案是双重的。开放数据策略对于更全面的科学,行政或私人开发,对现有和新来数据的更全面的科学,行政或私人开采是强制性的。这绝对是指依赖地理空间数据的所有利益相关者。在科学和教育中生成和使用的数据必须通过有效的数字数据基础架构进行开放和可用。高度赞赏可持续的开放式数据举措和计划。众包提供了收集公共机构范围之外的数据的机会,或者可以提供仅提供许可证的现有行政数据的替代方案。DVW组织鼓励任何推进大地地地理信息和土地管理领域的主动权。


As a university professor I am very aware of the increasing need of the professional community for enhanced capabilities in the digital transformation, in smart and integrated systems, in the widespread application of our contributions, and in interdisciplinary work. This needs to be further implemented in the curricula over the coming years, including effective digital settings and dedicated competence-oriented techniques. Actually, this is also linked to DVW’s activities, albeit from the perspective of a non-profit organization. As DVW, we offer professional expertise, conferences, post-graduate training, highly skilled working groups, and – last but not least – an attractive networking platform for our members, essentially based on volunteering. This needs to be sustainably maintained and further developed.

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