Pay-as-you-go Software-defined GNSS
随着用户推动更多功能,今天的智能手机和平板电脑的位置应用程序正在抵消令人沮丧的限制。更高的准确性可以提高位置感知应用的性能,但成本和复杂性为许多潜在的开发人员及其客户提供了进入的障碍。现在,Trimble Catalyst软件定义的GNSS接收器正在向软件和基于云的服务的强调转化,并设置为将新用户带到GNSS竞技场。
GPS首先在20世纪90年代中期出现在手机上,但使用设备内置GPS接收器的基于位置的服务的概念并没有真正抓住,直到Apple的iPhone 3G的出现。如今,当用户推动更多功能时,智能手机和平板电脑的当前位置应用程序运行到一些令人沮丧的限制。最担忧的一个是GPS位置的准确性和可靠性。智能手机需要连接到蜂窝网络以实现其规定的GPS精度。即使在良好的条件下,达到比一两米更好的准确性超出了消费式手机或平板电脑的能力。更高的准确性可以提高位置感知应用的性能和价值 - 但高精度GNSS解决方案的成本和复杂性为许多潜在开发人员及其客户提供了障碍。
In late 2016, Trimble introduced Trimble Catalyst, a software-defined GNSS receiver that works with selected Android mobile handhelds, smartphones and tablets. The solution includes software running on the handheld, a small digital antenna and a subscription to the Catalyst service. With Catalyst, users can obtain positions in real time with accuracy ranging from metre level down to two centimetres.
位置感知应用程序可以通过Android的位置服务框架从Trimble Catalyst获取位置。但是,如果软件提供商想要更好地控制集成,例如在本地坐标系中输出位置或更快的位置更新,则需要将催化剂集成到其应用程序中。为方便这种情况,应用程序开发人员可以使用Trimble的精密软件开发套件(SDK)来访问Catalyst功能。
Trimble is actively supporting third-party developers working to adopt the Catalyst approach. One example is in the UK, where Trimble distributor Korec develops and sells its own GIS applications. The solutions run on bring-your-own-device (BYOD) platforms including smartphones and tablets and often rely on the device’s built-in GPS receiver for basic positioning. In order to provide increased accuracy, the software can connect to external GPS or GNSS receivers or use the Catalyst approach.
Catalyst also supports Trimble TerraFlex software: a cloud-based mapping and GIS field solution that operates on a variety of Android devices. Companies that use TerraFlex will be able to achieve high-accuracy positions when needed by switching on a monthly subscription for high-accuracy corrections. For other operations, they can operate at lower precision – and lower cost – while using their existing forms and work flows.
An example of where such an application could be used is in asset management, where knowing an asset’s location to within a decimetre can save time and money in maintenance, repairs and lifecycle management. However, the additional cost and more complex workflow of a high-precision external receiver can be a drawback – especially when the users are not skilled in geospatial techniques. The cost concerns can grow when businesses employ many field technicians who only occasionally need decimetre or centimetre precision.
In spite of Catalyst’s potential, existing GNSS hardware isn’t going away. Engineers and surveyors need high-performance systems and will continue to use specialised GNSS solutions. The subscription approach used by Catalyst is in line with the licence structure used by many software vendors in the geospatial and engineering segments, with software products often available on a subscription basis. Larger organisations might purchase the solutions as long-term capital expenditures, but smaller organisations and many subcontractors prefer to allocate costs to specific projects and can let subscriptions lapse during slow periods. Depending on usage, both groups could benefit from the Catalyst approach of software-defined receivers and subscription-based positioning services.
随着催化剂进入市场,低成本和对第三方开发人员的开放通道的结合将在系统的增长中发挥关键作用。Trimble正在与开发人员和分销合作伙伴密切合作,将其应用程序带到生机。用户和开发人员的经验和反馈将揭示新的 - 并且可能是意外的 - 应用和市场进行精确定位。
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