约翰·迪尔公司(John Deere Company)的精确定位解决方案

约翰·迪尔公司(John Deere Company)的精确定位解决方案

NavCom Technology

NAVCOM Technology,Inc。是位于美国加利福尼亚州托伦斯市的John Deere公司,是针对OEM,VARS和系统集成商的高级GNSS产品的领先提供商,需要高性能RTK Systems,全球五秒钟GNSS卫星卫星校正,在精确定位和机器人技术领域中的大地质量GNSS接收器和工程咨询。


NavCom's Sapphire OEM board and SF-3050 RTK/GNSS receiver.

Navcom在成功完成了该公司的许多合同工程项目后,于1999年被当时最大的客户之一约翰·迪尔(John Deere)收购。NavCom now operates as a wholly owned subsidiary of Deere & Company, the worldwide leader in agriculture, and is dedicated to John Deere’s 176-year-old traditions of integrity, quality, commitment and innovation.

它作为约翰·迪尔公司(John Deere)公司的首批创新之一是引入星际网络(当时称为广泛区域校正变换),这是最早基于全球卫星的增强系统之一,能够在世界任何地方提供高临界位置,没有当地的基站。

Partner and pathfinder


As one of the industry’s leaders, NavCom’s key personnel include a winner of the Johannes Kepler Award and the inventor of the Hatch-Filter Technique. The company employs a management team with over 150 years of collective GPS/GNSS experience, as well as more than 70 engineers and scientists capable of taking a project from conception, through design, to a complete system solution.

High-precision solutions for a global market


建筑在这些创新的解决方案,NavCom我ntroduced solutions that further enhanced and addressed key customer pain points with such innovations as RTK Extend and StarFire Rapid Recovery. Outages from radio communications or physical signal blockages, such as shading, can leave a customer without positioning data, thus slowing down projects and increasing costs. In response to such key productivity concerns, NavCom developed these game-changing solutions that allow users to maintain accuracy despite loss of radio signals or even to reacquire positioning almost instantaneously.

NavCom is represented worldwide by a growing network of OEMs and Value Added Resellers (VARs) who serve a diverse and growing set of

NavCom's LAND-PAK survey solution.

applications that span land survey, machine control, offshore and military/government markets.

Future of GNSS

High-precision GNSS products are providing mission-critical solutions in agriculture, construction, land survey, offshore exploration and many other markets. The adoption of these solutions has resulted in substantial productivity benefits that will continue to drive the demand for GNSS technology. The GNSS industry is not standing still either. With new signals on both the GPS and GLONASS constellations, the planned deployment of new global constellations like Galileo and BeiDou and the deployment of a variety of regional augmentation constellations, the GNSS end user will have an ever-increasing portfolio of options to choose from. These developments will continue to drive the growth of the GNSS market as continued GNSS receiver technology improvements substantially improve the capability and performance of GNSS receiver products while at the same time reducing size, power consumption and cost. All of these changes will result in greater capability for the end user that will further improve the quality and productivity of their current solutions while opening up the potential for new applications.

NavCom will continue to meet these demands for its customers, providing sustainable solutions that meet both integrator and end-user needs.

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