OS前往实时映射 - 联合OS/RICS CPD Day 2017
This article was originally published inGeomatics World。
The RICS hosted an event with the snappy title ‘Joint OS/RICS CPD day’ at St George Street in July. Not too many clues in the title but within the packaging was an insight into strategy and innovation at the OS.
Innovation was approached from several angles. In a view that was reflected later by Alex Wrottesley, from the GeoVation Hub, Neil Ackroyd, Chief Operating Officer, spoke of a future when OS will be mapping almost in real time. As Wrottesley put it, the time between data capture and use could be reduced from months to seconds. “Change is our currency,” said Ackroyd, and it is accelerating almost out of control.
The result will be ever increasing data volumes. The OS currently holds 4 Petabytes of structured data and Ackroyd foresees the organisation having to handle 20 to 30 TB per day. Data collection will involve sensing the environment without a view of the product and using automated software tools to structure and interpret the data. Paul Cruddace’s enviable job involves looking at all the technical possibilities ranging from satellite remote sensing to photogrammetry using photos taken with a mobile phone from a moving vehicle. The OS product is authoritative mapping so crowd-sourcing from anyone will be out of the question, but data from an ‘informed’ crowd will be a key element. The existing data model cannot be scaled up, so there will be a new data model in the next five to ten years. Alex Wrottesley said that collaboration is essential for innovation and so is calculated risk.
但这并不全都与技术有关。邓肯·莫斯(Duncan Moss)谈到了国际土地测量标准(ILMS)。GW将在秋季对此有更多的影响。演讲者强调,我们是几乎所有新高科技业务的核心地理革命的中心。这些应该是最好的时间。我们需要让那些需要我们的人知道我们可以提供什么。
戴维·塔克(David Tucker)谈到了OS与RIC之间的联系,以促进专业资格以及学徒制在实现这一目标方面的重要性。
OS Overseas
为了帮助支付Geo Revolution,OS正在海外扩展其工作,国际政策和参与负责人约翰·凯达(John Kedar)谈到了OS如何出售其在海外领土上获得的GB中获得的专业知识。该组织的声誉是核心。他指出,在许多英联邦国家中,最新的国家地图仍然是由海外调查局(DOS)在1950年代和60年代制作的。由于缺乏对部长级的地理空间数据的认识,许多国家正在被阻止。他举例说明需要绘制映射以衡量朝着联合国可持续发展目标迈进的进展,但并不是要计划和实施实现这些目标所需的措施。话虽如此,这些国家的地理空间专业人员渴望进步,并且OS可以帮助他们这样做。
这是一个绝佳的一天,充满了CPD和OS与其他代表之间的网络。对于早期鸟类(错过交通),RICS会员商业中心于上午7点开放(并于晚上8点关闭) - 这是及时杀死咖啡店连锁店的可喜替代品。