One Click, One Day, One Map

One Click, One Day, One Map

Expressmaps: Emergency Mapping Service

In the event of a major crisis, accurate and detailed maps are one of the first things called for by organisers of relief operations and coordinate field teams. Quick and easy access to such maps is also vital to meet the critical logistical requirements of prospecting, exploration and operations teams working in remote regions. EXPRESSMaps is a new service which will provide a range of detailed maps at a scale of 1:50,000, within six to twenty-four hours of being requested.

Map Content
Those responsible for initially responding to emergencies require base-maps of a region as soon as possible. EXPRESSMaps supplies maps at a scale of 1:50,000, chosen to match the inherent accuracy of the source data and the current accuracy of GPS receivers (e.g. Figure 1). This universal scale means maps can be used reliably on the ground and have a footprint of roughly 600 square kilometres, depending on the latitude of the requested area. Map content has to cater for a range of uses, e.g. by field teams, crisis-management units, humanitarian aid organisations, logistics companies and security players. Content is a trade-off between two key constraints: source data and timeliness.

Source Data
The area covered by the service corresponds to off-the-shelf orthorectified Reference3D [website 1] and SPOTMaps [website 2] satellite imagery from Spot Image. Reference3D and SPOTMaps data are reliable and have been evaluated and validated by numerous domain experts. Reference3D combines a Digital Elevation Model, a 5-m resolution ortho-image in black & white, and other quality information. SPOTMap is an ortho-image in natural colour at 2.5m resolution; both are based on SPOT5.

Rapid Mapping
The second constraint relates to ensuring map production within six hours of receiving a request. An innovative feature of the service is that the entire map production process is patented. Each step is optimised and timed to ensure prompt delivery under all circumstances, whatever the area of interest, whenever a disaster or emergency occurs.

Detailed Specs
每个映射满足相同的规格和要求ments, whatever the region or delivery deadline:

  • absolute vertical accuracy: 10m CE90 (i.e. for 90% of the data) for slopes < 20°

  • absolute horizontal accuracy: 15m CE90

  • contour spacing: 50m

  • scale: 1:50,000 (for files intended for printing)

  • projection: UTM WGS84

  • geographic and UTM coordinates
    产品足迹:纬度50°S和50°N之间的15'x 15';50'70°S和50'70°N之间的15'x 30'。

Each map delivery (e.g. Figure 2) comprises a set of files which are compatible with a range of programs, including any GIS tool on the market, any freeware viewer, Google Earth and web-based services through a geoserver.

Operational Legend


Populated areas also receive special attention. The population layer comprises five classes, three of which are reserved for types of housing. Classes are distinguished according to housing density. Two additional classes cover industrial or trading zones in built-up areas. Large areas are represented by polygons, while points enable large buildings such as warehouses and factories to be quickly identified. Such landmarks are useful for navigation.


Concluding Remarks

Thanks to Marc Bernard and Myriam Chikhi from Spot Image SA for help in designing the service EXPRESSMaps.

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