Making a Difference

Making a Difference


许多国际组织正在解决此问题,包括地理空间信息协会联合委员会(JB GIS)和联合国外在航天事务办公室(UNOOSA),该办公室正在启动联合国,用于灾难管理和紧急情况的空间信息平台响应(UN-SPIDER)程序。这项努力的结果之一是小册子Geoinformation for Disaster and Risk Management – Examples and Best Practices, which demonstrates how various aspects of geospatial technology can be integrated into risk and disaster management.

A follow-on publication demonstrating and evaluating the economic, humanitarian, operational and organisational benefits of applying geoinformation to disaster management would help to raise awareness in the political and programmatic environment and to set priorities in research and development. This is the goal of the ongoing project called VALID (The Value of Geo-Information for Disaster and Risk Management), which is expected to result in a differentiated, scientifically founded answer to the crucial question: ‘What difference can geoinformation make?’



首先,在UN-Spider知识门户上进行了基于网络的民意调查( All stakeholders were asked to identify the 10 most important geodata products and systems on a longlist containing 51 items such as hazard-specific risk maps, vulnerability maps, damage assessment maps and monitoring systems. The resulting reference set (table 1) highlights the global community’s concerns about flood, earthquake, drought, fire, and landslide hazards, as well as the importance of risk analysis and monitoring.


The overall results of VALID are scheduled to be published in booklet format in summer 2013.

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