


Surveyors and land professionals from all over the world came together in April in the heat of Hanoi to take part in the FIG 2019 Working Week. This year’s theme was ‘Geospatial information for a smarter life and environmental resilience’. The conference had a strong focus on tackling climate change by working towards a smarter life, both through the development of smart cities and also in rural areas. Spatial information, big data, surveying, BIM, land administration and much more are recognized as being essential factors in this development. There is a strong awareness that Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are directly linked to surveyors’ activities and that surveyors should contribute to achieving them.


Opening ceremony of the FIG Working Week in Hanoi.


Hanoi was the first event under Prof Rudolf Staiger’s leadership. As FIG president, he shared his vision of the surveying profession in a world where maps and spatial data are digital public goods – free of charge, up to date, high quality and with almost no blind spots. Against this backdrop, he positioned surveying as a modern profession acting worldwide for better infrastructure, both for society and for planet Earth. Land administration can make a key contribution to social and civil security, reducing conflict and bringing peace and economic benefits. He highlighted that classic cadastral approaches are too time-consuming and expensive; faster solutions are needed. The fit-for-purpose principle is an interesting general approach which needs to be adapted to each individual case. It should be seen as an extension to the classic cadastre rather than as a replacement. His statements were the subject of heated and sometimes fiery debate during the conference. It is clear that changes are afoot with the availability of the latest innovations in data acquisition that facilitate participatory approaches.

无花果总裁鲁道夫·斯塔格(Rudolf Staiger)在一个地图和空间数据是数字公共物品的世界中分享了他对测量行业的愿景。

Land tenure security

Mika-Petteri Törhönen, lead land administration specialist at the World Bank and keynote speaker at the opening session, provided a fascinating overview of secure tenure for all – men and women – in the context of the World Bank’s land and geospatial programme with a special reference to achieving the SDGs. He highlighted that land tenure security is key to ending poverty, eliminating hunger, achieving gender equality and sharing prosperity. The profession has to deliver comprehensive land records in modern systems based on cadastral intelligence.

无花果年轻的测量师首次举行了主题演讲,他们给代表们一种社区的感觉,即他们在全球范围内建立了他们的感觉。鲁道夫·斯塔格(Rudolf Staiger)在大会上演讲的理事会座右铭是“为未来做志愿服务”,正是在这种精神上,总统赋予了调查的未来和无花果的未来。

当地的组织者很高兴展示越南的古老历史和最新发展。越南自然资源与环境部的前副裁判帕·范·库(Pham Van Cu)教授在演讲中指出了越南目前从“电子”时代到“智能”时代的过渡中的机遇和挑战。作为一种特殊待遇,当地的组织者还安排所有参与者访问歌剧,特别是在这种情况下举行的特殊表演。


该会议是与无花果和越南地球制图和遥感协会合作组织的。感谢整个团队的工作周良好的工作周,还要感谢赞助商 - Esri,Trimble,Leica,LX韩国,Ripro,Geo-Plus,South,South,Bels+和中国的测量和地图联合会(台湾) - 如以及所有参展商和技术计划的合作伙伴:世界银行,UN-HABITAT/GLTN,FAO和UN-GGIM。

路易丝·弗里斯·汉森(Louise Friis-Hansen)和克里斯蒂亚·勒曼(Christiaan Lemmen)

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