

该市正在遭受繁重的发展。政治计划“汉堡 - 不断发展的城市”正在由汉堡大都会地区进行,该地区由汉堡和十四周边地区组成。该计划是通过国家企业,地理信息和测量汉堡(LGV)的协助(参见Hagen Graeff,Winfried Hawerk和Rolf-Werner Welzel的地理服务条件,第15页的Gim International第15页)188金宝搏特邀。LGV创建了一个地理门户,正在守卫和维护3D模型,并进行地adastral和市政调查。这座城市吸引了世界上任何其他繁荣的城市中心,每天都有很多新的人和业务。汉堡港的运输正在沿着城市,德国本身的经济增长的潮流,以及与邻国波兰,捷克和斯洛伐克的欧盟扩大。每天为LGV工作的四百人在汉堡策划,重组和建设。

It is a little far-fetched, but nevertheless a very nice thought: a very well organised and up-to-date Spatial Data Infrastructure or other model collating geo-data such that it can provide an overview, brought to city, county or provincial government attention to support the best possible political and economic decision-making for the place as a significant factor in the sense of happiness of people living there.

Of course, cities prosper and their citizens are wealthy thanks too to the simple fact of their being geographically located in areas that have been economic hubs for centuries, where climate conditions aren’t harsh and the terrain surrounding the centre has natural features such as rivers and sea.

But still, the idea is not at all far-fetched if you turn it the other way around. Well thought-out planning on the basis of good and up-to-date geo-data provided by some well-organised venture maintains circumstances at an optimum for entrepreneurs and is therefore a major factor in providing for the best possible economic growth. This planning that provides for good infrastructure, nice green lungs, a lot of freshwater ponds and lakes, an optimal mixture of residential, commercial and leisure areas throughout the city and its neighbourhoods enhances quality of life in cities - and therefore a feeling of happiness in its citizens.

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