Geospatial Intelligence for National Security - DGI 2019

Geospatial Intelligence for National Security - DGI 2019

DGI 2019 followed the pattern of previous years with a subtitle of Geospatial Intelligence for National Security and with similar themes, the main ones being collaboration, integration and partnerships. There was an emphasis on the role of geospatial analysts, with sessions on what makes a good analyst, training analysts and how to get analysis to decision-makers in command centres and the field. Although the conference is focused on geospatial intelligence for defence (GEOINT) there is much for civilians to take from the conference.

Collaboration, integration and partnerships are clearly related and many speakers emphasized the need for trust between collaborators and added that trust does exist between military mapping organizations within their own groups. One speaker noted how trust has eroded by comparing the reaction of the Soviet Union to the evidence derived from satellite imagery during the Cuban missile crisis, to the reaction from Russia to similar evidence during the incursion into Ukraine. "Geo is true" is no longer accepted fact.

有几个会议上培训和recruitment. It is considered essential that analysts come from a wide spectrum of backgrounds and that knowledge of geospatial can be added to their primary subject – the Australian Geospatial Intelligence Organization recruits at 'tech' conferences such as Comic-Con.

DGI的商业参与包括展览和演示。空中客车,BAE,雷神和数字188asia备用网址地球仪等主要国防公司以及许多较小的数据采集公司和许多数据分析组织参加了会议。一位新来者是Capella,他使用SAR在完全配置后使用36个轨道平面进行空间进行持续监视。轨道与90度倾斜度不合同。诺瓦萨和冰耶188asia备用网址的其他公司的其他公司是SAR的重要性。后者是一家芬兰公司,由塞拉菲姆资本公司(Seraphim Capital)支持,塞拉菲姆资本公司(Seraphim Capital)是一家专门从事具有太空兴趣的初创公司的投资公司。188asia备用网址对于光传感器,重访功能也在增加。现在,星球每天收集150万张图像,地球上的每个位置平均有800张图像。

凡妮莎·劳伦斯(Vanessa Lawrence)在她关于太空应用程序的演讲中弹奏着弹奏,强调了像伯德(Birdi)这样的英国初创公司的成功,并指出他们参与了图像分析,并鼓励军事与商业之间的合作。188asia备用网址商业公司和机构还有其他机会与国防组织合作。188asia备用网址据指出,尽管军方可以提供很多东西,例如,在数据保证和数据融合方面,他们也有很多了解对灾难的反应和使用专业的非政府组织服务。需要准备合作,现在发生灾难时为时已晚。Quin等人(2018年)提到的联合国涉及卫星图像的机构Unosat的发言人,该机构介绍了AI如何用于研究难民和解映射的论文。

会议中引起的一个问题是“ DGI与英国商业活动的相关性是什么?”首先,可以看出,这些论文不仅与Geoint有关,而且许多演示文稿涵盖了商业公司感兴趣的技术和应用。188asia备用网址还非常重视对合作和标准的需求,商业部门可以从军事教育(在军事教育方面进行)学习(与技术和领导力的学生共同教育以互相学习)。

本文发表于2019年3月/4月的Geomatics World



Quinn, J A,NyhanM M,Navarro,C,Coluccia, D, Bromley, L, andLuengo-Oroz, D, 2018. Humanitarian applications of machine learning with remote-sensing data: review and case study in refugee settlement mapping Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 376.

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