Eight Years of Sustained GIS-based Land Management Success
Prior to the year 2000, less than half of the parcels in Jamaica were formally registered, and even the simplest of land transactions took weeks to complete. In 2001, those delays and a public outcry about widespread land fraud led to bipartisan support to merge all of Jamaica’s cadastral departments. A modern system of record immunised to fraudulent transactions was established. That became Jamaica’s official National Land Agency (NLA) and was the first step in the country’s land management digital transformation. Since then, the NLA has experienced extraordinary improvements in processing times and performance – all because of the digitisation of its system of record and GIS-enabled transparency.
One of the NLA’s primary missions in 2001 was to construct a land database to maintain its parcel records in a digital environment that linked to a spatial component and was designed to be used by everyone via an interactive viewer. Through that front end, the public would be given access to the country’s land records with a digital map as the backdrop. On the back end, a parcel data management system would be used to maintain the spatial and attribute components of Jamaica’s cadastral database. Esri’s ArcGIS and parcel fabric standard played a key role in the preparation of the spatial data.
Additionally, Esri’s ArcGIS and parcel fabric standard played a role in the digitising and georeferencing of Jamaica’s spatial records for display on a map of the nation. GIS smoothly interoperated with Jamaica’s existing embedded systems, speeding up the recording of land and property and greatly minimising the fraud attributable to the easy doctoring of Jamaica’s vulnerable storehouse of analogue records.
到2004年,NLA已将其土地记录的数字化完成到一个单个数据库中,该数据库现在称为Thomson Reuters实施的Aumentum注册表。牙买加的日常革命的第一阶段是建立一个数字系统,该记录是其慢速工作流程中的主要罪魁祸首,该数字系统从评估员将基本信息输入数据库到交易结束的整个记录历史。这立即加快了工作流程和调查。此外,使用自动化来消除容易发生错误的手动步骤。模板表单替换了冗长的编码和自定义创建。为了确保安全性和身份验证,每个步骤结束时都需要进行审核跟踪。首席执行官伊丽莎白·斯塔尔(Elizabeth Stair)说:“ Aumentum指定了向前推进交易所需的信息。”“这有助于我们维持文件的完整性,并消除了员工不知道下一步该怎么做或在整个过程链中拥有文件的可能性。”
The Parcel Data Management System (PDMS), with ArcGIS at its core, was linked to Aumentum Registry and enabled the visualisation of the records in their locational context. Additionally, the PDMS authenticated each parcel through the automatic issuing of parcel identification numbers. Unfortunately, this part of the reform got off to a rocky start mainly due to the lack of resources. Initially, the NLA designed the PDMS software along with former Esri partner NovaLIS, but the increasing need for advanced editing functions and interoperability required coding that the agency had neither the expertise nor the money to perform. “At that time, whenever a new version of the base GIS was installed, staff had to manually migrate codes, which resulted in bugs and crashes,” explains Stair. “The server had to be rebooted several times a day.” Shortly thereafter, support to begin internal capacity building was given to properly address the situation and better engage the public.
Engagement Phase
获取空间数据的变化始于201年0. When a local insurance company named Guardian Group came to the NLA to purchase a parcel dataset, the agency’s managers seized the opportunity to create a stable public geographic information system (GIS) by partnering with the company. It would involve pulling from the spatial data which, before then, was just being maintained on the back end. Guardian Group wanted to use this system to show which homes were situated in the path of floods and landslides in order to determine risk. For presentation purposes, the company also wanted the ability to display the data in a digital map with layers that could be turned on and off. The NLA, on the other hand, wanted a system that would allow it to provide spatial data and parcel records to the public in a simple way. The agency entered into a public-private partnership deal with the insurance company to provide the desired data in exchange for the company hosting a publicly available version of the map it was developing. That map came to be calledIMAP牙买加, and it marked a significant change in how the agency engaged its customers with the aid of technology. TheIMAP牙买加deal mutually benefited the NLA, Guardian Group and the country as a whole. Ultimately, it helped anyone in Jamaica to see the country from a top-down perspective. They could zoom in on properties and search for other parcels, addresses and valuation numbers. Everyone – from insurance companies to real-estate professionals to homeowners – could benefit from it.
与国家空间数据管理部(NSDMD)合作,NLA今天还向计划部门提供了基本的免费包裹数据,以制定各自教区的开发计划。这是该机构通过数据共享帮助国家发展的倡议的一部分。除了共享外,该机构还采用了ESRI的包裹织物标准,可更轻松地提供包裹。“包裹织物模型使我们能够不断更新包裹数据以在地图查看器中显示,” STAIR说。“这也有助于我们维持会计数据库的完整性。”
Since the completion of the digitising of its land records and PDMS expressed throughIMAP牙买加,NLA在处理时间方面经历了非凡的改进。在2001年之前,第一次注册通常需要70天的处理,转移等变化花费了25天,调查检查花费了惊人的26周。到2010年,注册和更改所需的时间已减半,调查检查减少到40天。今天的性能甚至更好 - 都是因为其记录系统和启用GIS的透明度的数字化。