The NSDI in Namibia is covered by three articles in the Statistics Act while the rest of the articles relate to the production of other statistics. Since the operational requirements for establishing the NSDI were not fully addressed in the Statistics Act, a Committee for Spatial Data (CSD) finalised a national SDI Policy gazetted by parliament in March 2015. The aim of this policy is to amplify and operationalise the infrastructure by creating the framework for the development of a clear strategic plan. Through this policy, the NSA formulated a five-year Strategy and Action Plan.
SDI Priorities
- 法律框架。这是在统计法和NSDI政策中制定的。正式的NSDI治理结构被批准,一旦建立合作框架,一旦建立合作框架就会完全运作。
- 合作。这是通过与空间数据监护人的伙伴关系协议动员高级参与的主要优先事项。主要部委和几家国有企业目前正在从事NSDI备忘录的理解(MOU)。一旦谅解备受符合谅解备忘录,希望从2016年6月起开始,将建立一个合作平台。第一级合作伙伴关系针对16个国家组织,该组织涉及国家报道的数据。第二级合作级别用于当局,总共约54个。
- 标准。当前的首要任务是发展质量的数据ity and metadata profiles for the country. Draft profiles have been formulated and public inputs solicited. The Committee for Spatial Data is expected to approve the specifications in April 2016. Furthermore, specifications for the manner of collection of national spatial data and any application for exemption from such specifications, as permitted within the Act and Policy, have been established.
- Competence。纳米比亚需要制定建立NSDI的能力。
- 提前数据收集日历。要立即减少数据收集中的重复,从而节省了政府有限的资源,一旦建立合作框架,将建立国家历法。
- Services。The development of a metadata catalogue is a legal requirement. The catalogue will provide tangible evidence to the public and decision-makers of the importance of spatial data. A national geoportal is planned to build appetite for access to geospatial data and applications, strengthen political will and ensure widespread access to spatial data. NSA will develop the geoportal to disseminate limited publicly available spatial data through a view service and web map services.
In Namibia, there is high political willingness from government to establish the NSDI. There is also high-level commitment from government agencies earmarked to participate in this infrastructure. The citizens have been made aware of the importance and usefulness of location data and the benefits of the NSDI for access to such data and applications. Due to the high levels of public engagement, there are equally high expectations from politicians, decision-makers and the citizens for the NSA to deliver on the NSDI. Consumption of spatial data has increased since the start of the NSDI programme.
As coordinating body the NSA is facing several challenges, especially when looking a year ahead. The three most immediate challenges are:
- 缺乏技术能力。There is insufficient capacity to develop technical components of the infrastructure. The NSA needs to develop a metadata catalogue immediately as a pilot to showcase the relevance of this infrastructure. This requires assistance. Capacity is also required in the enforcement of the NSDI standards.
- NSDI秘书处结构。Because of the enormous scope of the NSDI and high public and institutional expectations, the NSA formulated a structure to increase the number of staff for the NSDI Unit. However, it will take time to fill all the positions due to limitations in funding. The Agency operates on the basis of government appropriations.
- 数据托管人的能力。有针对性的监护人参与NSDI具有不同水平的技术能力。为确保遵守空间数据质量和元数据标准,这些组织必须首先构建目前它不存在的能力。
Alex Mudabeti是纳米比亚统计局的空间数据和NSDI的副主任。
Roger Longhorn是GSDI协会的秘书长,并参与了在爱尔兰都柏林指南针信息有限公司的纳米比亚NSDI战略和行动计划下。