T可能是奥地利 - 匈牙利的玛丽亚·塞里西亚(Maria-Theresia)皇后本人,他于1763年下令对波西米亚,摩拉维亚和西里西亚的捷克土地进行调查。她的帝国测量师源于军队四年来绘制各省。1780年,在玛丽亚·塞里西亚(Maria-Theresia)的儿子约瑟夫(Joseph)统治下,地图得到了纠正和改进。在弗朗兹二世皇帝统治期间,由于第一个质量较差,新的新调查被开始了。这些新的调查从1819年到1858年进行了。
In their project ‘Georeferencing and Cartographic Analysis of Historical Military Mappings’, Ružena Zimová, Jaroslav Pešt’ák and Bohuslav Veverka of the Czech Technical University in Prague investigated the positional accuracy of the old maps produced during these two military mapping exercises. You can read about the outcome of their research project in this issue of GIM International. Back to the empress, or more to her motives and those of her descendant Franz in calling for these surveys. It’s surely no wild bet that the emperor and empress meant to strengthen their position of power by outlining their empire in maps as proof of their rightful ownership. Herewith generals could wave farewell to anybody, foreign army or native people, who might claim rights denied them by the imperial powers.
我们来了多长时间!测量师进来了。同样在本月的《 Gim International》中,编辑188金宝搏特邀克里特·莱姆曼(Chrit Lemmen)对无花果总裁霍尔格·梅格尔(Holger Magel)的访谈。他希望测量师和地球员在空间规划,开发决策和与土地相关的冲突情况下出现并必须解决的地方发挥积极作用。根据MAGEL的说法,测量师可以为解决冲突做出贡献,政客需要意识到这一潜力。面临威胁冲突实例的联合国机构和国家机构已经在呼吁并咨询无花果专家;组织及其个人成员的这种特殊作用需要在未来发展。这不是新主意。早在2004年,无花果大会就接受了愿景和定义,即测量师承担“直到火星行星”的责任。
p.s. The crew of GIM International will be at the Intergeo and FIG Congress. Look for us in the halls or on stand C3.3046. See you there!