Developments in geo-technology move almost faster than a ray of light and as a consequence the daily work of a surveyor has been changing dramatically over recent years. Digitalisation of data collection, data processing and data storing have had a particularly major impact on the work of people both in the field and office. And developments will inevitably continue into the near future and beyond. Such developments place certain demands on each surveyor at every level of every company or institution: they have to be willing to learn to work with new techniques and procedures On the other hand, for every professional it is important to want to develop themselves in their profession. That’s what makes them professionals in the first place.
持续的发展不仅在测量和地理学方面很重要。在出版中,从社论和布局的角度来看,与有关杂志制作的各个方面的最新想法保持联系也很重要。在GI188金宝搏特邀M International,我们试图使您了解新闻价值的功能。我们试图涵盖上述发展的各个方面他们。如果市场需要对三个主要新产品进行描述,我们可以轻松地将它们放入一个版本的GIM中。但是布局是另一回事。布局本质上是刚性的,因为保持一种可识别的风格很重要。因此,布局编辑器严格守护每个特定杂志在其控制下的基本规则。对于Gim International来说188金宝搏特邀,也是如此。 But still we felt the time was ripe for some small alterations: no big changes, but little adjustments to keep the layout up to date. So what you find in your hands today is a fresh and modern-looking GIM International with - and this goes without saying - the same quality content.
New people, new ideas, old principles. I myself am new to GITC bv and to GIM International. This is my first editorial for the magazine that I have come to know a little over the last few weeks. In this short learning curve I have found myself surprised by the importance of geospatial data to the daily lives of citizens all over the world, most of whom have no clue of such. I am also stunned at the techniques used and the pace of their development. Coming from a publishing background, I am convinced there is nothing more intriguing than making a leading magazine for a group of professionals all over the world and thus supporting them, offering possibilities for growth and enhancing their professionalism in performing their jobs. I hope you too will be surprised, each edition anew, by state-of-the-art articles and a fresh and modern layout. Because that’s what you may expect from your own professional magazine: GIM International!
让我通过祝您2005年健康和健康的Gim International188金宝搏特邀结束我的第一个社论!