嗡嗡声与平衡 - 地理业务2018

嗡嗡声与平衡 - 地理业务2018

根据地球世界编辑伊恩·道曼(Ian Dowman)和理查德·格鲁姆(Richard Groom)的说法,今年5月22日至23日在伦敦伊斯灵顿举行的GEO商业会议是迄今为止最大,最好的。以下是他们关于该活动的报告的摘要,该报告举办了来自25个国家 /地区的203个参展商,100个参展商研讨会以及许多知名演讲者和研讨会。它应该提供在这项出色的年度活动中讨论的主题类型的味道。


Mark Enzer, Chief Technical Officer of Mott MacDonald, presented on the topic of digital transformation in economic infrastructure, with a particular focus on the built environment, which he says is falling behind other industries. Enzer also highlighted recommendations for ongoing support of the UK’s Digital framework, the National Digital Twin, and a Digital Framework Task Group for the nations mature infrastructure network.


政府科学与工程集团地理主管戴维·伍德(David Wood)的演讲展示了地理空间如何改变政府并受益于社会和商业。


威廉·普里斯特(William Priest)讨论了他担任地理空间委员会主任的一些技术和数据相关的挑战。该机构已建立,以实现经济增长,提高生产率,推动投资以促进创新,并保护和提高英国世界一流数据资产的质量。


会议包括有关地理空间将如何使经济增长的小组辩论。在讨论的主题中,安德鲁·特里格(Andrew Trigg)关于土地注册表有效使用数据。同时,Google的首席地理学家Ed Parsons讨论了地理空间和AI的潜力,以解决整个发达国家对私人拥有的汽车的利用不足。


RICS土地总监詹姆斯·卡瓦纳(James Kavanagh)主持的会议包括艾伦·米尔斯(Alan Mills)的艾伦·米尔斯(Alan Mills)的演讲,他是Mapaction的准备协调员,关于使用图像的使用,该图像在救灾情况下已被无人机捕获。祖尔夫·乔杜里(Zulf Choudhary),医学博士,斯巴达数字,谈到了AR和地理位置的影响,包括与曼彻斯特城市维尔夫(Cityverve)的工作如何支持旅游业和众包数据受益。


第三次会议包括劳拉·奥尔德森(Laura Alderson)关于地理工程中心的演讲,重点是更奇怪的创业公司与更大且通常不太富裕的公司之间的互惠关系。企业需要保持相关性,并做到这一点,他们需要深入了解与初创企业相关的新市场。另一方面,初创企业可以从行业专业知识和公司,其网络和资源的导师中受益。Geovation Hub的Tim Ollyer的另一个演讲讨论了无人机实时飞行风险的话题以及保险公司在计算保费时发展风险评分方面面临的问题。


国家地球观察中心的约翰·雷米迪奥斯(John Remedios)描述了使用EO进行的一些与冰袋稀疏,全球生物质和海温有关的工作。Seraphim Capital的James Bruegger解释说,由于进入该行业的成本降低,Space在“ PC时刻”中如何充满了机会。

The final presentation of the session was by David Norris, Technical Director of Plowman Craven, who discussed topics of business development, new market entry and the need for geospatial skills. In particular, he noted the resurgence in photogrammetry which allows a range of users to develop 3D models using aerial photography captured from drones. Plowman Craven are now looking at scanning for construction verification of buildings during construction, component-based functional models, digital twins and augmented reality.


GEO Business 2018 included seminars on a wide range of topics. The Smart Cities seminar, for example, included a presentation by Richard Wooding, Ordnance Survey, on the need to avoid silos and to build partnerships within this innovative field. Philip McAleese of See.Sense, a company which makes cycle lamps, explained how a range of road, traffic and behavioural data was collected from in-built IoT sensors during a trial held under the CityVerve project in Manchester.

The seminar on Visualisation, AR and VR included a message which explained that the field is hampered by the cost and awkwardness of the helmet/viewer. The emphasis of the presentations was on the visualisation side of the topic and on efficient data capture, but without any concentration on locational accuracy.

同时,流行的地球观察研讨会包括“分析现成”数据的主题,Defra的Pascal Coulon讨论了这一主题。其他主题包括使用干涉测量法(INSAR)进行变形和沉降。

The floods seminar session featured three wide-ranging talks. Paul Drury of Ambiental described how his company is using modelling to predict how flood risk will change as a result of climate change - including the production of rainfall maps which are based on the analysis of 54 environmental datasets. Other than the ‘low’ scenario, the effect in terms of numbers is quite alarming. The mid projection would result in a 25% increase in properties affected by flooding and the ‘high’ scenario sees a 34% increase. Just as alarming is the predicted 105% increase in river flow, so they have also looked at the risk to bridges and the potential for increased river erosion, which could cause the pattern of meanders to change.

Critigen的Dan Culli和Geocurve的Gary Nel通过框架顾问Jacobs讨论了他们在环境局的Team2100项目上的资产管理工作,包括使用激光扫描和图像来调查伦敦的伦敦和Thames estuary的潮汐防御。他们一直在使用无人机的航空摄影进行调查和4K视频来检查潮汐路堤和墙壁。他们的工具包括左撇子Pegasus:两个终极和一个Leica:背包,用于土地和河口调查,并收集了一些200tb的数据。

In addition, Richard Groom spoke about the Environment Agency’s standard format for river channel surveys – EACSD. He noted the fact that an increasing amount of survey work is now being procured by framework consultants. Surveyors should look out for the new framework due next year and cultivate their consultants, he advised.

During the Utilities seminar, Ian Bush of Black and Veatch discussed the process of producing a PAS128 standard document, which should be reviewed every two years. He pointed out that the PAS is aimed specifically at practitioners, not clients.


最终,在公用事业会议中,内森·沃德(Nathan Ward)选择了调查,谈到了增强现实。这一切都是由Augview应用程序完成的,该应用程序从Augview项目中获取数据,目的是在现场更好地理解地下公用事业。

The Heritage Seminar session on Day 2 opened with a talk from David Andrews, Geospatial Imaging Analyst at Historic England (HE), who discussed the surveyor’s toolbox in 2018. According to David, complete models can generally only be made by combining technologies (e.g. terrestrial photography of a building will not record upper storey window sills).

During the Instrumentation and Monitoring Seminar, John Brewster of Imetrum Ltd. described a monitoring system developed by his company which uses a total station equipped with a coaxial camera, and image matching algorithms to detect the movement of image patterns in the field of view. If there is no image pattern, it will not work. The time and cost needed to gain permission and to establish prisms when installing total station monitoring systems is significant, so a system which does not need prisms is good news.

Leica的Marco Di Mauro研究了更快的数字通信,创新和云计算对监视的影响,包括与3G和4G相比,等待5G的好处。他还讨论了使用自动扫描来测量表面和应用程序,这些扫描可以比较两组数据并计算监视点之间的正交偏移。现在可以整合来自任何类型的传感器的数据,并在云上具有完整的工作流程。

除上述内容外,还有关于学徒制的特别会议,在此期间,克里斯蒂娜·赫斯蒂娜(Christina Hirst)和马克·劳顿(Mark Lawton)讨论了国家提供者签署以提供与行业相关的课程(包括远程学习)。


In terms of exhibitions, the wider industry, including national and overseas companies, and start-ups were well represented. There was an education zone, a start-up zone and a drone zone and many exhibitors demonstrated equipment and mobile mapping systems (including total stations, scanners, sensors, and GNSS receivers for mobile devices) outside the building. Among the demonstrating companies included Clearedge, Terrasolid and many smaller companies as well as several hydro companies. Techniques for scanning included trolleys and backpacks, and software companies offering automatic scan data recognition such as Vercator, which presented results at the RICS in the autumn were also present. Robotics, virtual reality and augmented reality were also present.





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