

Geoeye-1 Google图像
GeoEye has started delivering Google with high-resolution, colour satellite imagery from its newest satellite. The GeoEye-1 satellite images currently highlighted by Google were all taken within the last sixty days, and include images of the Pyramids of Giza, Mount Fuji, Sydney Australia, and many other recognisable locations. The images were all taken from 423 miles in space as GeoEye-1 moved around the Earth at 17,000 miles per hour. The 4,300-pound GeoEye-1 satellite was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base (USA) on 6th September 2008.
Intermap Technologies has completed data collection for its NEXTMap USA 3D mapping programme. This first company-funded initiative to map 3.1 million square miles (more than 8 million km2) of the entire contiguous US and Hawaii was completed in March 2009. The company plans to ultimately generate an elevation for the national dataset at unprecedented accuracy and detail that includes 3D digital terrain models, digital surface models, contours, 3D road center-line geometries, and other high-resolution geospatial products.
OpenStreetMap 3D原型
Open geodata from OpenStreetMap (OSM) and elevation data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) have been used for the development of a3D Geodata Infrastructure (GDI-3D) based on Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) open web service standards. The work was done within the context of the research project ?Geodata Infrastructure 3D?, and Germany was used for a first test-case. A Web 3D Service (OGC W3DS) is providing the client with the data as a 3D-scene graph. The first prototypical visualisation of the OpenStreetMap data in 3D takes place in a W3DS client (XNavigator). In contrast to server side rendered maps (as in typical Web Map Services like www.osm-wms.de), completely free client-side interaction and navigation is possible. As all data is passed to the client computer, a good internet connection and recent computer with its own graphic card are needed (cmp. system requirements), so that the method is also especially suitable for intranets. The project runs under the auspices of the Research Group Cartography (Prof. A. Zipf), Department of Geography, University of Bonn (Germany)
Seventh GPS Satellite
洛克希德·马丁(Lockheed Martin)建造的现代化全球定位系统块IIR(GPS IIR-M)卫星,配备了创新的有效载荷,该卫星将在2009年3月24日从Cape Canaveral Air Force Station推出,该载荷将提供第三个民用信号的轨道演示。(美国佛罗里达州)。指定的GPS IIR-20(m),卫星是八颗GPS IIR卫星的第七卫星,洛克希德·马丁导航系统已经为其客户,全球定位系统机翼,空间和导弹系统中心,洛杉矶空军空军基地现代化了现代化(CA,美国)。现代化的GPS IIR卫星包括几个功能,可增强军事和平民GPS使用者的操作和导航信号性能。IIR-20(M)航天器还包括一个新的示范有效载荷,该有效载荷将在L5频率(1176.45MHz)上传输第三个民用信号,符合国际射频频谱要求。后来的GPS航天器将包括一个操作L5信号,以提高系统的准确性和性能。

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