Bringing in GIS (1)

Bringing in GIS (1)


As advocates of GIS often discover, many barriers exist to finding funding for a technology-led project that gives priority to functionality over business value. A budget-holder will often lack knowledge regarding GIS and how it can positively impact business; occasionally, they even display cynicism as to its capacity for delivering value.

Discovery Phase
Our approach is to effect change within organisations from the top down, rather than pushing from the bottom up with a technology-driven solution. The ‘top-down’ approach is more effective than seeking to ‘sell the business’ a picture of how GIS might solve their problems. It consists of:
-working with executives to identify strategic objectives and benefits
-assessing the 'as is' state of the organisation
-determining whether change is truly needed
-representing how the GIS change initiative will support strategic objectives.


The initiative should be treated as a project with a defined set of stakeholders who are actively managed. There needs to be a start and end date, and defined deliverables. The success of any project depends on identifying the right group of stakeholders and working with them to define a scope that covers the breadth of the problems. This is the time to mobilise resources, communicate goals and scope of the discovery phase and set up a governance model and structure. A project brief may be developed that summarises the charter and can be used as a method of communication in engaging and educating stakeholders. It is important to recognise that the organisation is in need of improvement and beneficial change. It does not need a GIS per se, but the values a GIS can deliver, and these will be manifested as business benefits.

Every organisation is different, as are many of their key challenges. To gain insight into the opportunities for GIS without specifically ‘selling’ the organisation on a GIS solution, a crucial step involves interviewing executives with responsibility and ownership of key areas where GIS may deliver value. Here preparation is key, because executives’ time is limited. An efficient interview requires first identifying what similar organisations have done with GIS to deliver top-line benefits, and, secondly, building a structured path-way of questions categorising organisational priorities for that particular stakeholder. Top-line benefits may include revenue generation, cost containment, service excellence, regulatory compliance, and health and safety.


Business Situation

可以使用各种工具来定义我s’ state, including a ‘rich picture’, which provides a one-page overview of processes, people, technology and data, and represents the complexity of interfaces, machine and manual processes, highlighting areas for potential improvement. A well-presented, rich picture can convince sceptics of the necessity for change by highlighting the complexity of operations and both short- and long-term business improvements enabled by GIS. To build momentum, the diagnosis phase should be performed over a compressed period of four to six weeks, dependingon size and scope of organisation.

愿景is a collaborative exercise involving key stakeholders, in which a compelling vision of the future is developed. Having determined the strategic objectives, ‘as is’ situation and areas for improvement, all is now tied together by identifying a programme of initiatives. A good tool is a programme blueprint: a one-page overview communicating how the proposed GIS-enabled programme can meet the needs of multiple departments and stakeholders. This exercise energises the organisation and focuses on meeting business needs at all levels. The vision highlights a desired state, initiatives to be realised and the metrics and measures of success. The desired state must align with the goals and objectives previously identified, and the metrics and measures have quantifiable and tangible benefits. Toward the end of this stage, a ‘Case for Change’ workshop is held, where the future high-level vision is reviewed and initiatives to accomplish it defined. Subject to agreement with stakeholders, opportunity may be offered for ‘quick win’ improvements while building the business-case substantiating major change.


This is the first of a series of three articles. The next will describe how to perform quantitative analysis and treat considerations required for structuring delivery and support post-implementation.

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