

上个月,我向您介绍了GIM International的新主编。188金宝搏特邀我摔倒了。约会后不久,我有机会看到Intergeo 2008年代表的大多数地理领域,这是该业务日历中最大的年度活动之一。约有500家公司占用了共有24,000平方米的展览空间,以使他们的最新产品和技术使游客感到惊讶。188asia备用网址来自所有大陆的15,000多名专家参加了德国不来梅展览中心的国会贸易博览会,以寻求地理,地理信息和土地管理。好吧,我当然给我留下了深刻的印象。

在展览的第一天,我们开车从the Netherlands to Bremen very early in the morning, arriving to find ourselves part of an already swarming crowd. Exhibitors were eager and pleased to welcome visitors to their well-designed stands. Some of the larger companies had met previously with their distributors, and were fully acclimatised. From this point on, I made my way from one meeting and acquaintance to the next, keeping my eyes on the showcases as I walked by. By the end of the first day, I was exhausted. On the second day, I recovered my energy and met lots of interesting people keen to show me their products and technologies. I am enthused with ideas for stories that will certainly find their way into these pages in forthcoming issues. On the third day I had run out of business cards, and by the end of it all I was quite ready for home. This was my baptism of fire.

不用说,我们在本期中审查了Intergeo 2008。但是,我们也有关于世界上最大的“地理空间”活动的报告:今年夏天的ESRI调查与工程GIS峰会,结合了ESRI国际用户会议。此外,本月也有三个有趣的功能要阅读。根本不可能给您简短的介绍,因为它们都是如此不同。所以请自己看看!在过去的几周中,我几乎无法找到时间来回答通过电子邮件和我们的网站www.skyfoldde.com发送给我的所有祝贺消息。自从我宣布任命以来,这些信息一直从中东,非洲,巴基斯坦,印度,马来西亚,美国,加拿大,尼泊尔,法国,德国,墨西哥和中国到达。衷心感谢大家的支持。

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