

Fit-for-purpose Approaches Are Possible Based on InSAR Technologies

土地所有权和土地使用权的问题在全球议程2030年度高度较高。50%的可持续发展目标是与土地有关的。达到与传统的地籍数据采集方法达到这些目标的非常粗略的估计数额超过500年的地籍调查工作。这清楚地说明了突破技术将有必要满足目标。请继续阅读,了解有关基于Insar Technologies的可能方法的更多信息。










The radar imagery can be applied for integral cadastral boundary detection. Most of those boundaries are visible features, defined by roads, vegetation, rivers, fences and buildings in a very efficient way. Even rivers concealed by vegetation can be extracted. Figure 5 shows an example of an area in Brazil, including orthoimages X, P, X/P colour, and extracted boundaries overlaid on the P-band image (from left to right). Additionally, digital terrain models and/or surface models can be provided by applying interferometric flights to obtain altimetric information for generation of contour lines and extraction of drainage networks, including 3D simulations. This information is useful in support of not only land administration but also rural development, infrastructure projects, forest certification, rural environmental cadastre, risk mapping, area preservation, land use mapping and topographic mapping, among many other applications.

Change detection

The radar imagery has another big advantage for change detection, namely the repeatability of illumination geometry between different flights. As opposed to optical images, this allows a systematic comparison of the images supported by image processing software. Changes in land use can be detected automatically in any type of construction. This provides the option to reconstruct ‘replaced’ cadastral boundaries.

Experiences in Brazil

The applicability of this approach has already been demonstrated in two technical feasibility studies: one close to the hydropower station of Belo Monte and the other in the district of São José dos Campos. Planimetric accuracy was measured with differential GPS at both sites. Wire fences presented an RMSE error of around 20cm and water boundaries of around 1m.

The radar survey will not completely replace ground survey, but it allows the ground boundaries to be generally defined and vectorised before going out into the field. In Brazil, for example, the interview with the landowner, the review of land boundaries and the demarcating must be carried out as a ground survey. Using radar imagery could reduce the amount of effort and time involved in conventional fieldwork by a magnitude of three to five.

Fit-for-purpose approaches

Agencies in Brazil and Latin America had not previously considered remote sensing for land administration development, and current governmental regulations do not even allow it without performing a complete ground survey. Radar surveying can speed up such a ground survey and serve as a control method. In fit-for-purpose approaches, radar imagery is now being considered as an effective way of collecting cadastral boundary data quickly and cheaply. Printed imagery can be taken into the field to compare automatically extracted features with actual cadastral boundaries. Those boundaries can be marked with a pen on top of the image. Back in office, the polygons for spatial units (parcels) can easily be identified and fed into the database with the required accuracy.


DieterLübeck拥有德国FHMünchen的制图工程学位。自1998年以来,他一直在使用雷达遥感,是机载雷达映射应用的专家。他是巴西布拉德尔,巴西航空公司 - 国防和安全集团遥感师的总经理。


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