It can be difficult to get the most out of point clouds, and precise classification is a costly, labour-intensive undertaking. There should be a tool that makes it easier… and now there is, thanks toPointly. Pointly is an intelligent, cloud-based software solution that enables the management and classification of 3D point clouds. Innovative artificial intelligence (AI) techniques enable enhanced classification through the segmentation of data points and objects within point clouds, much faster and more precisely than previously possible.
Pointly was developed bySupper & Supper, a full-service data science consultancy based in Germany that creates customized solutions for machine learning, artificial intelligence, process optimization and digital transformation for clients around the globe. Thus, one can also take advantage of the expertise ofSupper & Supper通过Pointly Services, where innovative, tailor-made 3D deep learning solutions are offered. The company developed Pointly in response to the need for a tool to help the geospatial field work faster and more efficiently. Shifting from a human-centred process to an autonomous workflow incorporating AI is a crucial step to help speed up inference processes and deliver greater consistency and accuracy.Pointlyis set to become the secret weapon for companies across the mapping sector.
How can Pointly increase enterprise efficiency and save time and money?
使用点云数据的主要项目通常涉及复杂的分析,需要相当多的时间和密集的工作。如果没有正确的工具,则可能难以从点云中提取最大值并提供结果。Pointlyoffers easy-to-use but advanced labelling tools plus a user-friendly interface, and conversion is simple. It creates labelling efficiencies, translating into time and money savings for enterprises – and there are a lot more features on Pointly’s roadmap.
通过使用软件作为服务(SaaS)Pointly, processes can be streamlined and optimized, delivering results on time and with a reduced budget. This means enterprises are freed up to take on additional projects, increasing their revenue. Since it uses the highest-standard cloud-based platform on which data can be uploaded and stored, there is no need to invest in an on-premise solution, delivering further savings and unlimited scalability. The feedback was that with the approaches ofSupper & SupperandPointly, a much more cost-effective and time-effective process was achieved.

So how does Pointly work?
Pointlyprocesses point clouds acquired via laser scanning, photogrammetry or other techniques, recognizing related point segments across three file-scale granularity levels: coarse, medium and fine, depending on the point cloud resolution and size of the objects of interest. This enables the selection of large areas like ground with one click, and small objects such as street signs with the next. Point clouds are available in their full resolution and will be dynamically loaded in the browser. Pointly enables toggling between three views:
- 原件:显示RGB,强度,高度曲线等云尺寸等。
- Segments: shows the pre-processed segments generated by Pointly
- Transparent: can be used to hide or highlight selected classes, enabling focus on the objects that matter for the use case.
The segment selector tool allows one-click selection of segments, preventing the need for zooming, changing views or drawing the perfect border around any item. Objects with complex outlines can be quickly selected and assigned an object class, becausePointly了解对象之间最有可能的断裂,允许根据此基础选择。多边形套索工具可以轻松选择和标记段,3D边界盒工具控制选择深度,从而实现靠近在一起的对象的细微分类,或者需要在空间中分开。退房这个视频to see Pointly in action.
Pointly由Azure的256位AES加密标准和高级威胁保护支持,因此可以放心用户是否在存储或过境中受到保护。用户身份也通过Azure B2C管理,确保数据是安全的,并且只有用户可以访问自己的数据。

Successful use case – rapid, accurate forest inventory using Pointly
German enterpriseRAG Aktiengesellschaft适用于一系列环保项目,包括矿井水管理,圩区措施和地下水净化。Rag Aktiengesellschaft专门从事长期监控采矿损害,即自动检测景观变化,尤其是地面运动。为了支持这一监测,创建了森林库存,涉及收集关于社区森林的健康和多样性的准确数据,以获得树木状况,物种,大小和地点等细节。通常,提取诸如树的数量的库存信息,它们的树冠形状或高度非常劳动密集型,因为它传统上手动进行,无论是传统的GIS工具,甚至是用GPS调查森林的人才。这些选项中的任何一个都可以是公司的相当大的承诺,从而提供了巨大的自动化潜力。
RAG Aktiengesellschaft requestedPointly创建一个森林库存生产树egmentation and output a detailed map to detect where the single trees are located. Airborne Lidar scans were classified using a neural network, specifically trained for this use case to be further processed by adapted algorithms for vegetation segmentation. This enabled the information to be extracted automatically from point clouds, identifying exact tree outlines, size and location. This forest inventory was needed to isolate the causes of changes in the landscape by monitoring changes over time and observing which of them may contribute to damage to near-surface mining. The goal was to provide exact tree point identification in the point cloud as well as individual tree separation with corresponding inventory data for the object ID, the position and the crown’s extent in terms of results.
Deep learning and smart algorithms were combined to identify tree points and separate individual trees from above, both with visible tree trunks and without. ThePointlyteam found that developing a universal approach required testing different methods, such as watershed separation and region growing from detected tree stems. Initially, the scenes were classified manually to generate a comprehensive set of training data for the neural network. Using Pointly’s efficient classification tools, automation was set up for further processing, and this part of the work was completed within just a couple of days. Next, the full dataset was classified automatically, using the trained neural network to proceed with instance segmentation of individual trees. The segmentation was performed using a combination of tree features (such as crown maxima), tree stump positions and geospatial algorithms. Stump position and height were determined for each tree segment, whereas the crown extent was determined by means of 2D projection. Finally, the classification and instance segmentation results were transferred into GeoJSON and Esri shape files and enriched with additional information including height attributes.
With the work fromPointly,rag aktiengesellschaft接收了一个详细的地图层,树木数,位置和天篷以及树干范围。该团队发现,指出,将它们更有效地在识别和分类对象时更有效地工作,特别是用于识别各个树和其他相关库存数据。为此数据创建简化的流程导致更少的时间和减少成本,以产生所需的结果。借说,生成的数据可以达到更高的精度,并且该过程比传统方法变得更加敏捷。

For which fields and applications can Pointly make the most impact?
点云的应用程序是多样的,3D点云的潜力远远超出虚拟站点检查。目前的团队可以开发解决方案,以方便施工,城市和景观规划,采矿,机器人,自动驾驶,能源供应和林业的数字化。它们几乎可以应用于需要的三维模型的原型和逆向工程,例如测量施工网站或室内映射和建模,以及测量卷,角度,表面,高度,区域和距离。CAD测量师将不再需要进行密集的手动工作,因为目前还打算自动化这一过程,这意味着CAD模型将在自动较短的时间内实现。Pointlywill soon also have a feature to train customizable self-learning models which not only automate the labelling work but allow to keep improving the network every time a correction is made or more training data is added. It is this customization that offers an additional return on investment since every project is unique.
AtSupper & Supper,他们继续to refine and expand functionality in line with client and project needs across the breadth of the field. Features under development include collaboration tools that enable sharing projects and point clouds for viewing and editing, advanced integration to import and view a range of file formats and interfaces to other platforms, as well as additional AI and conversion tools. Future offerings include standard detectors which are perfect for larger areas as they classify certain classes automatically, plus the ability to export a wide range of data products including 3D CAD models, map layers and more.Pointlywill incorporate AI-based detectors for common use cases, as well as supporting analytics services that can generate high-level data products like reports, statistics and 3D models, and AI integration as a service.

Try Pointly yourself or take advantage of a new Pointly Service
There is afree accountthat allows you to test Pointly without any risk. Furthermore, Pointly recently came up with a new AI Training Service, where you can request an AI model trained and tested on your data to classify point clouds. If you have a point cloud classification use case that could benefit from tailor-made automatic classifications that continuously improves with your data, then this service is for you! Clickhereto enquire about Pointly’s new service.
Reach out toinfo@pointly.aiwith any questions and to find out more about how you can boost your operational efficiency with Pointly.
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