据估计,世界上有55%的人口生活在城市地区。该数字预计将增加到2050年的68%。研究表明,城市化与世界人口的总体增长相结合,可以增加另外25亿人到城市地区。这一增长对今天的城市规划者提出了挑战 - 这是一个挑战,可以通过将非常高分辨率(VHR)光学卫星图像纳入其规划来部分解决。
This rapid rate of change challenges urban planners to ensure efficient city infrastructure management whilst minimizing the impact on the surrounding environment. Satellite imagery provides urban intelligence to support urban, city and land planners in making the right decisions for sustainable urban development. It allows for detailed analysis for creating or updating Geographic Information System (GIS) maps and detecting and monitoring changes in urban and rural land use and land cover.
The following article will give an overview of Urban Planning projects that have benefited from the use of VHR satellite imagery.
From VHR satellite imagery, 3D building models were created of areas considered to be Arrival Cities. Using a methodology for classifying the shape and distribution of these buildings, researchers were able to create a Morphologic Settlement Type Index based on the building density, orientation, size, height and heterogeneity of pattern.
一个total of three main categories of Arrival Cities were identified with transitional subcategories between them. With this classification methodology, future researchers can establish algorithms to better measure and understand the countless other Arrival Cities scattered across the planet and thereby enable urban planners to bring proper infrastructure to these unmapped and ever-changing locations.
Keyne Eye:智能城市规划的工具
To support sustainable growth without exceeding capacity of infrastructure whilst meeting key carbon reduction targets, Milton Keynes City Council wanted to implement an automated planning management system to verify that land changes were in accordance with planning permits. Utilising very high resolution 30 cm satellite imagery bundled with 8 band multispectral, combined with artificial intelligence-based programming, Satellite Applications Catapult were able to develop a unique Urban Planning Service that allows Milton Keynes Council to intuitively track land changes and easily identify where any illegal activity may be occurring, thus making the city more efficient. The application tool, Keyne Eye, feeds directly into the council dashboard and combines eight band multispectral 30 cm very high resolution satellite imagery captured byEuropean Space Imaging按季度。该工具包含检测层,立即识别发生的任何更改。然后可以按照批准的计划许可分析这些更改。
The exponential increase of impervious surfaces for the establishment of settlements and transport infrastructure yields negative consequences in many domains. This can include increased surface runoff and flood risk, decreasing groundwater recharge, or intensification of the urban heat island effect. Thus, exact and area-wide estimation of impervious surfaces is of high value and must be repeated regularly in order to provide up-to-date information.
欧洲投资银行资助欧洲投资银行缺乏缺乏进入清洁饮用水的缺乏进入的问题,为一项项目带来了李龙威最近城市化地区的清洁饮用水。European Space Imaging与经销商合作地谷除了荷兰水公用事业公司Viten Evide International的专业知识外,还可以创建整个城市的准确和当前基地地图,以确定需要水的领域。由于其增强的特征分类和识别能力,选择了来自WorldView-2的非常高分辨率的多光谱图像。基础映射使得开发计划,该计划确定了要构建的水管网络的最有效设计。
Madrid Rio: Identifying Green Space
Green area monitoring is a key component in urban planning around the world. The use of NDVI index from satellite imagery aids urban planners in quantifying green spaces. Monitoring these areas is important for change detection to ensure that landscape ecology principles are upheld. Within recent years, the City Council of Madrid have prioritized green area monitoring and change detection, recognizing that vegetation will help reduce the effect of the city’s Urban Heat Island (UHI), the phenomenon that causes a city and its environment to be significantly warmer than the surrounding countryside due to human activity.
一个ware that they could measure and monitor plant growth, vegetation cover and biomass production from multispectral imagery and thereby determine the city’s Normalised Difference Vegetative Index (NDVI), they turned to WorldView-2 data provided byEuropean Space Imagingand analysed by their partnerindra.,解决问题。这使得能够建立一种方法,该方法不仅考虑了NDVI,而且也是分数植被覆盖(FVC)。这些索引有助于定义与广泛的土地生物圈应用相关的植物冠层的结构性,例如环境管理和土地利用。此外,它可以提供关键的测量,因为城市努力开发绿地以提高生活质量,减少气候变化和人类活动的潜在危害。方法创建的方法提供了保护现有的绿地空间和识别新机会的持续信息。
通过“保护性质和加强生态韧性,提高可持续,资源效率,低碳增长,并有效地解决环境的威胁,”欧洲地方政府面临复杂标准,以满足海洋要求的地方政府,有效地解决环境相关威胁。在这个指令下,European Space Imaging与他们的经销商合作Planetek Italiato participate in a soil loss mapping project to design value-added mapping products and standardized procedures to derive objective environmental indicators for landscape monitoring in support of decision-making processes.
Planetek Italiafound WorldView-2’s ability to measure soil loss a key factor to providing the qualitative and quantitative updated knowledge of the territory to support decision makers in all phases of SEA reporting requirements. This included defining the urban plan and suitable thresholds for selected SEA indexes, as well as ensuring that land use plans are in line with the urban plan and SEA analysis.
The integration of WorldView-2 satellite imagery with existing cartographic datasets, allowed Planetek Italia to produce a geospatial product known aspreciso®。这款标准化的地理空间产品可提供可访问和价格实惠的报告,以协助当地政府满足海洋的要求。
*从Tobias Leichtle,DLR撰写的文章提取,发表于欧洲空间成像网站。