In early 2021, the正极酮team crowded itself and its equipment into a tiny Swiss gondola and made its way to one of two dams scheduled for water-side inspection – no easy feat, given the metres of snow closing off many alpine roads during the winter. Often situated in difficult-to-reach locations, Swiss pumped storage plants can greatly benefit from sub-millimetre-resolution uncrewed aerial system (UAS) dam surveys. With the appropriate survey-grade, metric sensors, current UAS can offer safer access and increased cost-effectiveness compared with more traditional inspection methods, while providing comparable or better data.
Well over half of the energy produced in Switzerland comes from hydropower, and Axpo Holding AG is Switzerland’s largest hydropower producer. The canton of Graubünden, where this project took place, contributes over 20% of the electricity generated from hydropower in the country, totalling more than 7.9 billion kilowatt hours per year.
大部分的水电在瑞士来自年代torage power plants and run-of-river plants, with only 4.3% of Swiss hydropower provided by pumped storage hydropower plants. However, pumped storage plants are an important component of a hydropower system, helping to balance supply and demand. In a pumped storage system, reservoir water is sent through pressure pipes to drive turbines that generate electricity to be fed into the power grid. In addition to providing energy during peak usage, pumped storage plants also allow for the conversion of excess electricity from the grid through the transfer of water from the lower reservoir to the higher reservoir during off-peak periods. This makes them a vital resource for smoothing energy consumption. Traditionally, water-side inspections of the dams have caused significant turbine downtime.
Swiss dam safety: An internationally recognized regulatory system
与受欢迎的消费级无人机不同,正统的设备包括专门用于测量和检查的量化UAS和公制摄像机。第一阶段的IXM100是其最喜欢的摄影数据采集工具,允许正极酮团队以获取对大坝安全性进行详细分析所需的子毫米分辨率数据。与诸如DJI Zenmuse P1之类的相机相比IXM100not only has superior image quality, but also a faster trigger: within the typical two-second trigger interval for a single shot of the DJI P1, the iXM captures six images – requiring less flight time to capture the necessary data.
With the current setup, the team can achieve a 1.5mm ground sampling distance (GSD), with a footprint larger than 17 x 13m, hovering at about 32m or 60m from the dam face (depending on the lens). A 1mm GSD (footprint roughly 12 x 9m) is possible at a distance of up to ~40m, whereas a 0.5mm GSD (footprint roughly 6 x 4.5m) can be attained up to ~20m from the dam wall.
While utilizing a cutting-edge industrial camera considerably enhances productivity, added automation eases the job. All of our UAS are equipped with real-time kinematic GNSS, Lidar-based rangefinders and complete camera setting control, simplifying not only post-processing, but also allowing for sharper images with spot-on focus.
可交付成果 - 一切都与观点有关
With the gathered images and derived multidimensional deliverables, dam managers can assess the dam face for abnormalities or degradation. High-quality data is essential for a thorough assessment of structural integrity, and even the most miniscule cracks can be detected by sub-millimetre-resolution UAS dam surveying. This enables inspectors to identify areas of concern, which are then properly addressed to mitigate risks before they can turn into more costly and potentially more dangerous issues.
正极酮是您对基于无人机的关键基础架构检查的可靠合作伙伴 - 包括在难以到达的地区的摄影测量大坝调查。有小时的悬停时间和顶级传感器,正极酮正在彻底改变我们收集,处理和利用空间数据的方式。要仔细观察这些水坝之一,请点击下面的链接以查看点云。