FIG e-Working Week 2021: A Success Story of the New Reality
无花果电子工作周聚集了来自世界各地的1,300多名参与者一周,充满了鼓舞人心的会议,可以将其视为新的Re ...的成功故事。
无花果电子工作周聚集了来自世界各地的1,300多名参与者一周,充满了鼓舞人心的会议,可以将其视为新的Re ...的成功故事。
On this page you will find independent reports on international events such as conferences, trade shows or a symposium within geomatics. The articles are written on a practical basis and aim to inform you about the highlights, key points and discussed topics at events like Intergeo and GeoBusiness. On top of the reports you will find previews of big events here too. These are written to fully prepare you before attending a big trade show or conference, so you will not miss out on the topics that matter the most!
组织和企业如何在未来几年中提高其地理空间的成熟?U ...的地理空间信息管理报告中未来趋势的最新版本
Which exciting opportunities lie ahead as the geospatial industry emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic? And what other influences are shaping the future of our sector? The geospatial...
在第二次梵tual Geology Conference (VGC 2016) from 22-23 September 2016, geomatics met the geosciences in the beautiful fjord town of Bergen in western Norway. This follow-up to...
今年的Intergeo有超过500名参展商和17,000多名访客,其中包括一个吸引1300名代表的会议。在获得来自37个国家 /地区的531个参展商后,MO ...
The Smart Cities Summit focused on the concept of “Smart” for cities, homes and industry. The foundation for smart is surely location but was this appreciated at the su...
With a theme of Building Bridges, FOSS4G 2016 attracted some 900 delegates to hear and discuss the latest developments in open source geospatial software around four key topics: La...
A new element is being added to Intergeo, Europe’s largest geo-IT conference and exhibition this year: Smart Cities. This new part of the conference is being developed by the...
With no disrespect intended to the other geomatics conferences around (and there are many with high-quality and extremely relevant programmes), the FOSS4G (‘Free and Open Sou...
The Anaheim Convention Center near Los Angeles, USA, was the venue for Hexagon’s latest annual user conference: HxGN Live. Over the course of a full week in June 2016, visito...
Cadline’s Autodesk user conference took place in the heart of the City of London in June. Richard Groom reports that BIM was the hot topic this year. With the deadline passed...
A good mix of attendees and some interesting topics for the speakers, AGI Northern Ireland’s annual conference was set for a successful day, reports Diane Sandeman. After two...
Geobusiness通过更大的展览,更多的游客以及更加嗡嗡的气氛回到了伊斯灵顿商业设计中心的第三年。GW’s tea...
Veteran land surveyor Gordon Andreassend, provides a half-century overview of FIG in Hong Kong, and his visit to the FIG Working Week in Christchurch New Zealand. The privilege of...
Geobusiness通过更大的展览,更多的游客以及更加嗡嗡的气氛回到了伊斯灵顿商业设计中心的第三年。行业&r ...
May saw Esri UK’s biggest yet user conference. Held in the QEII conference centre in Westminster, the event attracted over 3,000 preregistrations drawn by the opportunity to...
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