Bringing together over 1,300 participants from all over the world for a week packed with inspiring sessions, the FIG e-Working Week can be regarded as a success story of the new re...
Bringing together over 1,300 participants from all over the world for a week packed with inspiring sessions, the FIG e-Working Week can be regarded as a success story of the new re...
How can organizations and businesses advance their geospatial maturity in the coming years? The latest version of the Future Trends in Geospatial Information Management report by U...
More than 40 companies have joined EAASI since the European aerial mapping industry created the not-for-profit umbrella organization aimed at fostering joint interests less than tw...
智能城市的概念并不总是理解。理查德·格鲁姆(Richard Groom)报告了一次有关该主题的会议,并试图理解这个想法以及它可以为社区做些什么...
GW不在5月在赫尔辛基的工作工作,而是在会议上在其网站www.fig.net上发布了大多数技术论文。理查德·格鲁姆(Richard Groom)一直是Sif ...
The International Association of Forensic and Security Metrology (IAFSM) held its 2017 gathering in Atlanta, Georgia (nicknamed Y’allywood because so many television shows an...
日本东京的Nikken Sekkei Research Institute已对城市建立了一个愿景,可以帮助他们为包括各种B ...组成的社区选择能源优化策略。
2017年11月2日,GIS Professional的Niall Conway参加了在爱尔兰都柏林举行的年度EFGS会议的开幕日。尽管他只设法参加了一半...
在地理空间技术领域,诸如Leica Geosystems,Trimble和Topcon之类的大型参与者之间存在传递关系,他们可以持续追求创新,...
首届澳大利亚首届会议于2017年10月24日至27日在墨尔本大学举行。3D澳大利亚2017年由2017年3D Geoinfo会议,第一次Interna Interna ...
This was the fourth year the UK Commercial UAV Show was held in the ExCeL Centre, London, UK, and for the first time, this year was moved from the month of October to 15-16 Novembe...
世界领先的公平和授予ence on geodesy, geoinformation and land management, recently took place in Berlin and provided an open global environment for the geo-info...
Durk Haarsma报道说,联合国全球地理空间信息管理专家委员会(UN-GGIM)在采取实际和战略行动方面取得了重大进展,以欺骗...